National Honor Society

Think you might have what it takes to be an active member of the National Honor Society?
Step 1 - Scholarship
Be a junior or senior with a cumulative 3.40 weighted GPA.
Step 2 - Be prepared
Go to https://lindseymiller9.wixsite.com/longreachnhs to learn about the requirements, to see and download a copy of the application, and to find ideas for volunteer opportunities. You can complete as much of the application as you want over the summer-the application will be due October 6th.
Step 3 - Leadership & Service
Begin reaching out to people who can vouch for your leadership and service experience. You will need either a signature from that person or an email from that person verifying you held that position or did that service. You cannot simply print their names or write down their email addresses. The Faculty Council will not verify your participation in activities or jobs if no signature is included. Write your paragraph about how in a specific instance you served as a leader and have an adult who can affirm that you acted as a leader in this situation- again, it cannot be a parent.
Step 4 - Service
Complete community service over the summer! Blank sections, especially in service, do not look great to the faculty council, so showing some initiative this summer if you do not already have service experiences will look much better. However, the council is looking for students who involve themselves in a variety of service opportunities and have shown consistent commitment to the idea of service (so not just one time visiting a food kitchen for 4 hours).
Step 5 - Character, Leadership
You will have to send the recommendation form link (https://forms.gle/Ej4kkBQjZPHZUM7D7) to 5 different teachers. Make sure you leave adequate time for teachers to fill out and send them before the application deadline.
Also, you will need to write an essay about what you can and WILL contribute to the NHS in terms of the four pillars: service, scholarship, leadership, and character as well as a written example of a specific leadership experience.
Step 6
Have your application form checked before the deadline by Mrs. Miller if you feel unsure. Ask questions if you are not sure whether to include something. There will also be an application interest meeting on 9/27 to go over any questions. Then, be sure to turn your application in by 2:30 on the day it is due (October 6th)!
Step 7
Wait to hear from the Faculty Council to see if your application was accepted. Students will be notified around the end of October.

Make sure you follow all of the directions listed in the form before submitting
Getting Ready for Induction:
Write a short biography about yourself to be read at induction.
Attend a rehearsal for induction after school the day prior to induction.
Attend the Induction with your friends and family

Being a Part of the Society:
Get ready to attend NHS meetings-they are the last Wednesday of every month (except when we don’t have school- the first meeting new members would attend is actually the third week of December because of Winter Break.)
Complete service hours (8 hours/two months, 16 hours/semester)
Get involved in our philanthropy, Grassroots Crisis Intervention
Continue to demonstrate scholarship (maintain the 3.40 weighted GPA), service (being actively involved in volunteering in and out of the school), character (do not do anything that goes against school rules-skipping, cheating, plagiarizing, insubordination, etc.), and leadership (take on leadership roles in clubs and organizations, volunteer at Leadership Symposium, etc.)
Pay $15 a year in dues (goes to chapter dues, induction supplies, philanthropy events, senior cords, etc)
You Get an Acceptance Letter...What now?
How to apply...
For more information:
See an NHS mentor or Ms. Miller
You can also request more information with this form: